Did you know that buckwheat is one of the most well-kept secrets for losing weight and gaining high-quality protein at the same time? When questioned about the diet of the London Olympic gold winners, head coach Irina Viner said: that ‘buckwheat was the primary ingredient served to our rhythmic gymnasts for 6 months leading up to London Olympics’.
It’s health benefits include:
• a source of easily digestible proteins which makes it a great substitute for meat;
• it is not a grain and contains no gluten;
• high in zinc, manganese, magnesium and copper which help the immune system;
• buckwheat starch is a great source of energy (better compared to oats and wheat).
Cooking tip: soak buckwheat overnight to help breakdown of hard-to-digest components and release important nutrients.
Though it can be a real trouble finding buckwheat in your local store, you should definitely check out Amazon where you will discover a huge selection of natural organic buckwheat!