3 Tips for Choosing a Perfect Leotard For Your Floor Routine

August 30, 2014

Buying the right leotard can make or break your career as a gymnast. Here we will give you the tips on choosing a perfect leotard for your floor routine.

Gymnastics is a sport that many don’t understand. The precision, preparation, and discipline required to perfect ones craft is second to none. In a lot of other sports you can mask your deficiencies by virtue of relying on teammates or even overpowering your opponent during competition and succeed. In gymnastics, you are your own competition, so precision and individual performance is a must.

To ensure you can achieve such a goal, it is imperative you have the appropriate wardrobe. A quality leotard can be the difference a brilliant and mediocre performance.



As important as it is to know about the degree of difficulty involved with gymnastics, it’s also no secret that it is a very expensive sport. Lessons and gym time alone will cost thousands of dollars, so picking a leotard should be a choice that is well thought. Performance leotards can range anywhere from $15 up to $300 apiece. Knowing the price that correlates with the particular style is paramount in making sure you put your hard-earned money to good use.



Cosmetically, gymnastics is filled with a vast array of unitards and leotards that are full of color and vigor. Although looking good in competition is highly desirable, it’s important to always remember that you must feel comfortable in your uniform. Looking good in your leotard and looking good during your routine are not one in the same; you have to be comfortable to be at your best. Make sure to make every precaution to get your exact size that you can move freely in.



Lastly, your leotard must be something that will attribute to your floor success. If you plan to compete in international competition, you must make sure it is FIG regulated. The overall flow of your routine is the cornerstone of a flawless performance, so also make sure it fits your gymnastics floor music and routine. There’s nothing worse than a presentation that doesn’t flow. Finally, ask your coach or a choreographer. If you pay them so much for guidance with your physical training, you could trust them in helping you choose your leotard too. It’s never a bad idea to listen to qualified advice regarding your future success in competition.

2012 London Gold medalist Gabby Douglas’ thoughts on her new leotard collection:

“I am so honored & excited to have my own line of leotards with GK leotards,” said Douglas. “Expressing my personality and love for gymnastics through this collection is a great way to share my creative ideas. I will be really proud when I see other gymnasts wearing my designs to practice!”