We see how professional athletes maintain their body at an optimum level; we can’t help but think what is Olympic Gymnast Diet and what do Olympic gymnasts eat?
Let’s take this slow first.
This diet is specifically designed for an Olympic gymnast, especially for female gymnasts preparing for their competition. Professional athletes need to be bulky, and their muscles full of strength and endurance. They need to lift weights in order to maintain their physique as well as their strength.
Female gymnasts are petite, and they eat foods meant to strengthen their muscles too; however, they train for power rather than endurance. According to The Hughston Clinic in Georgia, an optimal diet for an Olympic gymnast is 60% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 25% of fats in the diet. Does that answer your question on what is Olympic Gymnast Diet and what do Olympic gymnasts eat?
Moreover, prior to a competition, the United States Olympic Committee recommends that gymnasts eat adequate amount of glycogen and carbohydrates enough to fuel their bodies for the competition. This way, they can prevent symptoms of hypoglycemia, which can tremendously affect their performance because of dizziness and tingling sensation felt by a hungry person. Hypoglycemia takes effect once the carbohydrate stores are depleted and blood sugar is low in the body. A gymnast can experience hypoglycemia when he or she is starving or even famished.
On the other hand, we answered the first query on “what is Olympic Gymnast Diet and what do Olympic gymnasts eat?” Are you curious on what do Olympic gymnasts eat?
According to NBC Sports, male and female gymnasts alike do not stuff up on carbohydrates that much, but most of them recommended to take a high protein, low carbohydrate. Examples of the food they eat are small strips of chicken, egg whites, some cheese and vegetables in between meals. They sometimes eat fruits and fish for dinner. They need to eat often, but in small quantities.
What is Olympic Gymnast Diet and what do Olympic gymnasts eat? Did we answer your question?
However, some gymnasts encounter some problems in terms of diet regulation. They tend to go overboard; either they eat too much of what is really appropriate, or they rather not eat at all.
It is disappointing to think that other gymnasts go overboard with their diet plan. That 60 percent carbohydrate might be a big number for them, but this can be compensated in small quantities. Carbs are actually for short-term energy consumption. Too many carbohydrates may lead to weight gain, ending up in obesity.
How about proteins? Yes, some athletes like Stephen McCain believe that a low carb diet is the key to maintaining his physique. Protein in the diet is good for muscle and tissue repair. After a long strenuous workout, eating the right amount of protein in the diet could readily help muscle repair and strengthening, leading to an effective dietary and nutritional routine. Fats obviously, when taken in large amounts, can result to weight gain and eventually, lead to obesity.
What is Olympic Gymnast Diet and What Do Olympic Gymnasts Eat? Have you seen the need to be disciplined in consuming or following the Olympic Gymnast Diet? Being an Olympic gymnast entails commitment and being accustomed to the training and diet prescribed to them.
Speak with your nutritionist and ask her the question, “what is Olympic Gymnast Diet and what do Olympic gymnasts eat?” He or she can explain you things more clearly and recommend if this is the best diet for you.