9 Reasons Why You Should Do Rhythmic Gymnastics

September 10, 2014

If you are looking for a sport that does not only give you physical but emotional and intellectual benefits too, then you need to try Rhythmic Gymnastics. Aside from developing your skills, this sport will also help improve your focus, perseverance and dedication.

If you are still having second thought on trying this one out, then this article is for you. Today we are be listing 9 reasons why you should give rhythmic gymnastics a chance no matter what your age is:

1. Musicality

Another reason why you should do RG is because it will enhance your musicality. Since the floor routines are usually performed with gymnastics floor music, you will be exposed to different music styles. This will help you develop your appreciation of music even more.
In addition, it will definitely improve your ability to express yourself through routines. It can also be a great escape to the harsh realities of the world by letting you be immersed in the pleasure of music and the movements.

2. Health and Fitness

Because of the smooth and flowing movements of this sport, it is very easy to underestimate its power to improve one’s health and fitness. In reality, through this sport, muscle strength, flexibility as well as hand-eye coordination can be developed. Moreover, through the movements, you can expect your heart rate to increase which is very beneficial for your cardiovascular health.
RG will also help you become more fit. When this happens, your body will have the ability to prevent numerous diseases and health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart diseases.

3. Skill Transfer

One of the best aspects of RG is that it involves the whole body. With every movement, your mind is coordinating with the body. The coordination, balance and precision that you learn can also be used for other sports activities.
As a result, you can expect to increase your skill level if you decide to try out another sport as a hobby. To put it simply, rhythmic gymnastics can help you refine your skills so that you will be more effective in other activities & sports that you enjoy doing.

4. Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

If you have a problem with your self-confidence and self-esteem, then rhythmic gymnastics can help you. One thing to note is that regardless of your age and ability the skills needed in this sport are easy to master. Even just a minor flick of the wrist will create a fascinating pattern from the ribbon’s movement. So, it will be easy for you also to feel good and proud about yourself. When you master a technique, you will surely feel happy and confident. This is a very good start for everyone. Once you get the confidence that you need, you can further improve what you can do by studying further.

Kateryna Serebrianska, a Ukrainian former individual rhythmic gymnast and Olympic gold medallist, says:

“I was literally dragged into the gym against my will but when I joined the first class, I was really surprised. It looked like girls similar to my age were just having fun together. You could tumble around for 3-4 hours in a row and no one would blame you for that, in fact you are encouraged to do that. We were doing splits, bridges, spinning wheels, jumping ropes and spinning hoops. It was a perfect place for self-expression”.

5. Social Interaction and Group Dynamics

Doing rhythmic gymnastics is a great way to develop your social skills. This sport involves social interaction and group dynamics. In order to create a beautiful floor routine, you will need to work with your group mates to talk and decide about the sequences that you will follow. These daily interactions help you open up to other people so that it will be easier to communicate and form special bonds such as friendship.

6. Goal Setting

You should do RG because it can help you become more focused when it comes to goal setting. You should remember that in order to succeed in life, it is important that you know how to set your goals and do the right actions to achieve what you really want. This is basically the same with this sport. Through gymnastics, you will learn the value of personally listing your goals and using discipline to achieve them. This can be as simple as learning a new routine or adding a new skill in your arsenal.

7. Brain Development

As mentioned earlier, with gymnastics, your mind is coordinating with the body to do the movements. This is a very good sensory stimulus that will engage you in active learning.
According to a study by the California Department of Education in 2001, physically active kids out-performed their inactive counterparts. Further studies conducted in Australia and Hong Kong concluded that engaging in sports such as gymnastics can increase a person’s learning capacity and retention. Furthermore, repetition, balancing and coordination, which are all needed for this sport, is known to improve comprehension.

8. Aesthetics

Since rhythmic gymnastics is considered an artistic sport, it enhances creativity. In this discipline, you will be encouraged to create routines that are pleasing to the viewers through themes and concepts. This can be achieved with your body and the apparatus that you are using.

9. Active Lifestyle

If you feel that rhythmic gymnastics is not for you, then think again. This sport is not only for the kids. In fact, the sequence of movements techniques, once memorized, are easy to follow even for those who are already in their 50s. The gentle flowing movements are very suitable even for the older ones. Just like any sport, it encourages active lifestyle, which is vital for a health and wellness. Always remember that without an active lifestyle, you will be more at risk of developing diseases.

There you have it! These are just some of the primary reasons why you should do rhythmic gymnastics. If you want a fun and engaging activity, then you should consider this sport. It is definitely for everyone out there who wants to be healthy, fit and happy.